Introductory tutorial to the Python NumPy library in which we will review the main structure offered by it: the multidimensional array. In addition to seeing the main methods to create this type of structures and the procedures involved in their use -resizing, selection...-, we will review a selection of the functions offered by NumPy -all around the concept of multidimensional array-: mathematical functions, sets functions, linear algebra functions... We will finish by reviewing the functions that allow reading and saving arrays on disk, and the tools for generating arrays with random numbers from different distributions.
- Presentation
- The multidimensional array ndarray
- Array creation
- Data types
- Indexing and selection
- Array resizing
- Array ordering
- Operations with arrays
- Universal functions
- Set functions
- Math functions
- Functions for boolean arrays
- Linear algebra functions
- Other functions
- Reading and writing files
- Random numbers
- conclusion