The CURRENCY function evaluates the value included as an argument and returns the equivalent value in currency format.



  • value: Value to be converted into currency format or DAX expression that returns a scalar that can be converted to currency format.
Returned value

The CURRENCY function returns a real value of type currency.

Additional Information

The CURRENCY function rounds the value included as an argument to 4 decimal places. If value takes the logical value True, the function will return 1.0000:

CURRENCY function. Example of use

In contrast, if value takes the logical value False, the function will return 0.0000:

CURRENCY function. Example of use

If value is a text string, CURRENCY will try to convert it to a number to transform it into a value in currency format. If it is not possible, the function returns an error:

CURRENCY function. Example of use

If value is in date and time format, CURRENCY will convert it to a number and return it in currency format:

CURRENCY function. Example of use


The following example converts multiple values to currency format:

CURRENCY function. Example of use

Mathematical and trigonometric
Submitted by admin on Tue, 12/04/2018 - 12:34