The ENDOFQUARTER function returns the last day of the quarter in the current context (or the last quarter, if the current context includes more than one) for the specified date column.
- dates: Column containing dates.
The ENDOFQUARTER function returns a table with a single column and a single row with a date.
The dates argument can be a reference to a column containing dates, an expression that returns a table with a single column containing dates, or a Boolean expression that defines a table with a single column containing dates.
The beginning and end of the month, the quarter and the year are shown in the following table for some dates of May 2011:

If we bring the quarter number to the row headings in a matrix, the year to the column headings, and the following measure:
Last day of quarter = ENDOFQUARTER(DimDate[Datekey]) the Values field, we get the following result:
It can be seen how the result of the measure coincides with the last day of the quarter.
If, in the same scenario as in the previous example, we take the month to the row headers, the result obtained is the following:
We see how, in this case, the created measure returns the last day of the quarter involved in the context. That is, even if the month is February, the ENDOFQUARTER function will return March 31 for that context.
The same happens if we bring the number of the week to the row headers:
We see how, again, the measure returns the last day of the quarter to which the week considered in the context belongs.