The GEOMEANX function returns the geometric mean of the values returned by an expression that is evaluated for all the rows of a table.
- table: Table containing the rows on which the expression will be evaluated. It can be the name of an existing table or an expression that returns a table.
- expression: Expression to evaluate for each row of the table.
The GEOMEANX function returns a real number.
In this example we start from a table containing sales information, Sales, which includes two fields: TaxAmt -tax to be paid for each sale- and Freight -freight cost associated with the sale-. If we are interested in finding out the geometric mean of the sum of both figures, we can do it with the following measure (it is not the only option available in this case):
Geometric mean = GEOMEANX(Sales, Sales[TaxAmt] + Sales[Freight])
If we take it to a card type display, the result is the following: