The CHISQ.DIST function returns the chi-square distribution for a given value.
- x: Value for which to calculate the chi-square distribution.
- deg_freedom: Number of degrees of freedom to consider in the distribution.
- cumulative: Logical value that determines the form of the function: True returns the cumulative distribution function and False returns the probability density function.
The CHISQ.DIST function returns a real number.
If any of the arguments are not numeric, the function returns a #VALUE! error.
If the argument x is negative, CHISQ.DIST returns a #NUM! error.
If deg_freedom is a real number, it is truncated.
If deg_freedom is less than 1 or greater than 10 10, the function returns a #NUM! error.
In the following example we want to calculate the value of the chi-square distribution for the number 0.75 with 2 degrees of freedom:
Distribución = CHISQ.DIST(0.75, 2, FALSE())